
A “top sponsored ad” is an ad that appears at the very top of an ezine. There are usually other lower spots available, but their costs are less because obviously they are less likely seen (and hence less responded to).

By contrast a top sponsored ad is always seen and it’s the first communication someone sees and reads immediately upon opening an ezine issue (and therefore it stands to reason that it’s a more responsive ad based off, if nothing else, position alone).

Similar to a top sponsored ad is a “solo ad.” This is simply an ad sent to an ezine or subscriber list by itself so that it’s free of distraction and from being diluted by other advertisements appearing simultaneously (and thus is far more effective and responsive as well).

Top sponsored ads by definition must be small (usually not to exceed just a few short punchy lines of text). Solo ads may sometimes be a little longer.

A great place to run a 4-line sponsored ad is at MBP Advertising.

For a more exhaustive listing of top sponsored ads advertising locations click here.

For a listing of solo ads advertising locations click here.


Here is an effective Top Sponsored Ad you can equally use as a Solo Ad:

Learn the exact same secret that allows 1 man to
get all his Google ads completely free while
everyone else has to keep paying for theirs.