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Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi is considered not only an authority, but a pioneer of the Law of Attraction, because in 1987 he wrote the book
"Bienvenido al Exito" ISBN 950-43-1556-7, that has been re-published in 2007 under the name "The Secret of The Magic Lamp"


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The Secret of The Magic Lamp

El Secreto

El Secreto

El Secreto


Loving Kindness - How To Evoke It

by Steve Gillman

The practice of meditating on loving-kindness may be over two thousand years old. Although it may feel a bit mechanical at first, many who have used it experience greater feelings of compassion and love towards both themselves and others. Heres how you do it:

Sit comfortably wherever you normally do your meditating. Relax and let your mind quiet down a little. Start repeating the following in your mind:

May I be at peace with myself...

May I know joy...

May I be relaxed and well...

May I know love...

Picture yourself as a child in the arms of a loved one, or just let feelings of kindness and love arise in you. Repeat the lines for fifteen to twenty minutes, allowing the good feelings to permeate your body and mind. Do this meditation for several weeks, until you notice a sense of loving kindness growing for yourself.

Then you can expand your meditation focus to include others, replacing "I" with "he" or "she" as you repeat the words. Hold a picture of the person in your mind. Try focusing on even the most difficult people in your life.

Begin this method as a meditation. Once you can easily recite the words, you can use them as a loving-kindness exercise while driving, or waiting for an appointment, or wherever. Why not try it today?

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at: http://www.TheMeditationSite.com/newsletter.html

The best way to reach the meditation levels is to use Dr. Bonomi's "Alpha and Theta Sounds CD" that you can find HERE Use the Alpha sound to reach mind control levels. Use the Theta sound to reach the deeper oriental levels of meditation.



The Secret Works Motivating The Subconscious Mind With Dr. Bonomi's Subliminal Messages